Although the Internet is a wonderful tool that can help you find the answers to the questions you have, that also means that there’s a lot of room for misinformation. This is also true when it comes to breastfeeding, which is why at SOLMA, we do our best to make sure to share factual information.
If you’re curious about various breastfeeding myths vs facts, keep reading for some common ones you might come across.
Breastfeeding Myths vs Facts
Wondering what’s true and what’s not when it comes to breastfeeding? We’ve gathered some of the most popular myths vs facts you may come across on the Internet and explain why they’re true or not.
1) Myth or Fact: Breastfeeding hurts all the time.
As UNICEF explains, this is a myth. Although you may experience discomfort within the first few days of breastfeeding your baby, soreness can be avoided if you focus on getting the right positioning and attachment of your baby to your breast. If you’re still facing challenges with this, seeking support from a lactation consultant can help provide comfort and ease.
2) Myth or Fact: You can take certain medications while breastfeeding.
This is a fact. NewYork-Presbyterian shares that many medications — such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and some antibiotics — are considered safe. However, it’s important to double check with your doctor before starting any medications to ensure that no harm will occur.
3) Myth or Fact: If you’re breastfeeding, you have to change your diet.
Although some websites may try to convince you otherwise, there’s no special breastfeeding diet that you’re required to follow, as noted by the State of New Jersey Department of Health. This is a myth. As a breastfeeding parent, you can produce good milk no matter what you eat, in addition to being careful about how much and when you consume alcohol!
4) Myth or Fact: You can’t use formula in addition to breast milk.
There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to breastfeeding, which means that having only one method of feeding is a myth. UNICEF states that there may be instances where a breastfeeding parent may opt to use formula vs breast milk and vice versa. Working with a professional can help you to create a feeding plan that works for both you and your baby. And remember — fed is best. There is no one right way to feed your baby.
5) Myth or Fact: Your body will produce breast milk as soon as you deliver.
According to NewYork-Presbyterian, “pregnant people begin producing colostrum, the baby’s first milk, in the second trimester,” so this is a fact! Although your body starts producing colostrum first, your milk will come in two to five days after giving birth.
At SOLMA, we believe in surrounding ourselves with the right sources and information to ensure you’re making informed decisions regarding your baby and breastfeeding. We also recommend reaching out to your doctor, a lactation consultant, or other resources in the community like Baby Cafe that may be able to help.
As you enter your breastfeeding journey, SOLMA is here for you! Our ready-to-drink lactation support teas are the perfect beverages that taste delicious and are safe to consume for both you and your baby. Check out our teas and keep them handy while breastfeeding.
Read Daniela’s Feature on Massachusetts Business Network
SOLMA co-founder Daniela was featured on Massachusetts Business Network’s blog!
In this article, Daniela shares the story of SOLMA, including how she got the idea, the end of her maternity leave, the first steps she took, how she produced the product, and more.
Read the article now to learn about how SOLMA came to life.