Thinking About Weaning? Here’s What You Should Know.

Happy New Year! 🍾 We have so many exciting things planned for 2024 here at SOLMA that we can’t wait to share with you. Stay tuned to find out what those are in the coming months, but in the meantime, let’s talk about something that may or may not be happening for you and your baby soon: getting ready to wean.

Keep reading to learn how you know when it’s time to wean and what you can do to make the process easier.

⏰ How Do You Know When It’s Time to Wean?

Most times, weaning happens naturally, without any actions or steps needed. However, there may be instances where you want to intentionally wean before it happens on its own, and that’s okay. Whatever your decision or situation may be, we share some signs to look out for when it comes time to wean as well as tips you can implement.

As the Office on Women's Health in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services explains, there are two main signs that it’s time to wean:

  1. Nursing sessions happen less often because your baby is more occupied by playing, talking, and trying new foods.
  2. Your baby loses interest in nursing because they resort to a pacifier or their thumb for comfort.

However, it’s also important to note that you, as the parent, may choose to stop breastfeeding, and that’s okay as well. The National Center for Biotechnology Information of the National Library of Medicine shares that some reasons women choose to wean include:

  • Facing fatigue associated with breastfeeding
  • Worrying about milk supply
  • Wanting to return to work or school, as the logistics of breastfeeding may make that complicated

No matter what your reason is for stopping breastfeeding, here are some tips for making this transition seamless for both you and your baby, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Cleveland Clinic:

  • Replace breast milk with infant formula, cow’s milk, or a milk alternative, depending on the baby’s age
  • Help your baby adjust to drinking from a bottle or cup
  • Take your time to prevent mastitis or plugged milk ducts
  • Change the routine or environment
  • Use distractions to delay a feeding session
  • Maintain closeness with your baby
  • Avoid starting the weaning process during a difficult time, such as when your baby may be teething or sick

It’s all about finding a system and strategy that works best for you and your baby. Although some schools of thought encourage breastfeeding for only one year, remember that there’s no “right time” to start to wean — it all comes down to when you feel you’re both ready.

At SOLMA, we support all types of feeding options and believe in providing breastfeeding parents with the tools they need to feel supported on their journey. If you’re continuing your breastfeeding journey, our teas can both support you on your breastfeeding journey and quench your thirst!

Shop Our Teas →

🎧 Listen to SOLMA on the Into the Wild Podcast

SOLMA co-founder Daniela Procopio was a guest on the Into the Wild Podcast! 

In this episode, Daniela talks about why our product is much needed, how niching down helps businesses stand out on the shelf and serve customers who need them, how the conversation around breastfeeding has shifted recently, and so much more.

Tune in now through the button below to hear Daniela's inspiring journey.

Listen to the Episode →

Are you a new breastfeeding parent who is looking for a community who truly gets it? We’re here for you. Email us at any time with questions, comments, or concerns. Let SOLMA give you one less thing to worry about! 💜

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